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List of textbooks written by Florida Solar Energy Center Research Faculty.

Cover of "Photovoltaic Systems Engineering

Photovoltaic Systems Engineering by Jerry Ventre and Roger Messenger

This textbook presents a comprehensive engineering basis for photovoltaic (PV) system design and presents the 'what, why, and how' associated with electrical, mechanical, economic, and aesthetic aspects of PV system design. Using a modified top-down approach, the authors offer a presentation that provides a quick exposure to all of the building blocks of the PV system. They then provide detailed design examples from practical systems, explaining why certain PV designs are done in certain ways, including economic and environmental issues, and how to implement the design. Mastering the contents of this book gives readers the judgment needed to make intelligent decisions.

Cover of "Introduction to Radiometry and Photometry"

Introduction to Radiometry and Photometry by Ross McCluney

This textbook uses the approach of first defining only the basic of the radiometric quantities and then showing a simple equation that represents the conversion of all relevant radiometric quantities to the corresponding photometric ones.

Cover of "Humanity's Environmental Future"

Humanity's Environmental Future: Making Sense in a Troubled World by William Ross McCluney

Humanity's Environmental Future is a comprehensive evaluation of environmental and socio-economic problems humanity faces in its struggles toward a sustainable future. It presents the causes and assessments of our environmental problems; offers insights on methods for reversing the present devastation before conditions become irreversible; and includes specific reform proposals and positive suggestions for personal, group, and government action.

Cover of "Getting to the Source

Getting to the Source: Readings on Sustainable Values by William Ross McCluney, editor

Getting to the Source is a collection of essays by prominent environmental writers. The contributions have been selected for their relevance to the philosophical and ethical aspects of the subject, for their eloquence in expressing Earth values, and for their special insights and understandings of what we must do to create a sustainable future for humanity.

Cover of "Building for the Caribbean Basin and Latin America

Building for the Caribbean Basin and Latin America: Energy-Efficient Building Strategies for Hot, Humid Climates compiled and edited by Kenneth Sheinkopf

This book has been published by the Solar Energy Industries Association. Its purpose is to help architects, builders, and developers construct energy-efficient homes in hot humid climates like the Caribbean Basin and Latin America, and to allow occupants of these homes to enjoy enhanced comfort without reliance nonmechanical air-conditioning systems.

Cover of "Building for the Pacific Rim Nations

Building for the Pacific Rim Nations: Energy-Efficient Building Strategies for Hot, Humid Climates compiled and edited by Kenneth Sheinkopf

This book has been published by the Solar Energy Industries Association. Its purpose is to help architects, builders, and developers construct energy-efficient homes in hot humid climates like the Pacific Rim Nations, and to allow occupants of these homes to enjoy enhanced comfort without reliance nonmechanical air-conditioning systems.

Cover of "Consumer Guide to Solar Energy

Consumer Guide to Solar Energy by Scott Sklar and Kenneth Sheinkopf, Forward by Dennis Weaver

Basics of solar energy are presented at the consumer level. From Heating your house, pool, food, and even providing electricity. Includes contacts to seek further information about legal issues, financial incentives, or more information.

Cover of "Ecohouse 2"

Ecohouse 2: A Design Guide by Sue Roaf, Manuel Fuentes and Stephanie Thomas

Ecohouse 2 outlines the key issues, strategies and design solutions for designers and self-builders who want to build low energy, low impact homes.

Hot topics covered include materials, insulation, thermal mass, natural ventilation, infiltration, solar design systems and water conservation.